"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
Mom – a refuge from Nazi Europe where many of her relatives were exterminated in concentration camps – was, nonetheless a fierce optimist.
Psychic Abilities (the real stuff, not some “New Age” crap) … Free Zoom Intro to “Remote Viewing” for beginners, and “believing” not required. Learn. Train. Experience. Hell, if it was good enough for the CIA, why not you? This will be super chill // A little background, a few personal stories and opportunities to try it yourself. Select a day/time:https://bit.ly/RemoteViewingZoom
As you probably know, my father and mother escaped Nazi Europe just in time … unlike many of their friends and family who were murdered in the concentration camps. With the theme of ‘freedom’ ever-present in his mind and heart, the Jewish holiday of Passover provided my father with an annual opportunity to reflect on his cultural heritage, current events, and the relentless pursuit of peace for us all.
My father, Bill Straus, gave speeches at every major family occasion – Passover gatherings, weddings, memorials, significant birthdays – and he always spoke from the heart. There was never, ever a dry eye in the room.
An organic farmer’s unexpected journey into the mysterious realms
of electric shaman, clairvoyant visions and psychic spies.
– My strange-but-true story, updated: December 1, 2019

Method: Testing precognitive remote viewing, seeing an object at a distance, before it’s actually been chosen.
What I wrote: I asked myself “Show me the target” – and a voice came into my head “Oh, you mean the apple?” So that’s what I jotted down. I added ‘green’ – but that was an afterthought, not part of what I actually heard / saw.
Date: October 15, 2015
My Location: Las Vegas, NV // with the Applied Precognition Project annual gambling gathering
Target: What I wrote (messy writing), and actual target (bottom). The writing in red was the judges scoring.
What I wrote: “Distinct internal and external material to a cylindrical shaped object. Smooth surfaced curved object. Stainless steel. Like looking down on a bullet (pointy part up). Summarizing: Smooth, cylindrical, stainless steel ad/or white colored, material possibly metal. There may be some ridges, off to the sides, like pipe threads.”
Date: June 28, 2015
Location: Marshall, CA
Method: Using this target, from “Lyn Buchanan’s CRV” online database. Clicking on a specific date, selecting the ‘Basic’ option, instructions were to Identify an event.
What I wrote down: “Inside a large sports stadium”
Situation: Lying down to sleep, listening to Monroe Institute HemiSync “Lucid Dreaming #1” audio, sipping mugwort tea, and about an hour after smoking a bit (already sobered up), and suddenly, an image flashed in my mind’s eye.
What I wrote down: “I got men running around in a stadium … it feels like soccer/football. Probably soccer”
Additional information: I recall that the first feeling / sense / image I got was above, looking down – like from hovering over the field, watching people running with a ball. I don’t recall why I concluded ‘soccer’ instead of ‘football’.
Location: Marshall, CA
Method: I believe this target was from the “Lyn Buchanan’s CRV” online database. I clicked on a specific date, selecting the ‘Basic’ option, and the instructions were to Identify an event.